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Just doing a spot of Little Sprouts research and came across Plum Baby's new innovative website: Plum Vision. Produced to stimulate a baby's senses not only through food, but also through the visual using lots of colour and sound to simulate what is going on in the short film. There's an abundance of nature with landscapes, animals and even a short film depicting 'wind'...of the outside kind. Each chapter commences with a brief caption on how parents might like to engage their child furthe
r with the Plum Vision clip and thereby get all they can out of the programme. However, you can turn this information off if it's distracting 'Small'. Dr Pat Spungin, a Child Psychologist, has worked closely with Plum Baby founder, Susie Willis, to create this sensory extravaganza! I adore this lateral thinking...
Having previously worked for a nutritionally balanced food delivery service in London, I am always keen to sample the goods of other companies. Still loyal and checking out the competition! Come 4 January 2010, I will be sampling the goods of Raw Fairies... I first heard about them from a magazine (where I get most of my ideas) and googled them. They had an unimpressive website, but the concept appealed to me. Whatever is a hit in sunny California and fast paced New York...usually ends up being a toned-down success, but success all the same, in London. I later saw something on youtube (I think...although, I'm afraid it's no longer there) where Vicki Edgson was reviewing and then endorsing the product. I loved getting my PP delivery on those days I was sampling, but with the novelty factor that is coming with the Raw Fairies delivery for a 5 day detox...I'm all the more excited. Hence, why I couldn't wait til Monday 4 January to share the forthcoming event. Watch this space...
I'm definitely a Christmas person - carols, tree decorating and gift wrapping galore! Loving my vegetables, I've even gone as far as making a brussel sprout wreath for my front door. Nutritionist I may be, but I'm only human and indulgence is still on the menu. If you can't at Christmas when can you? Indulging in brussel sprouts just doesn't cut it. Christmas on the whole has the potential to be significantly nutritious...nuts, winter fruits (satsumas & pomegranates) and winter vegetables (brussel sprouts, leeks and carrots). It's the quantity of it all that has the potential to overload our digestive system. Tha
t, and the quantity of alcohol, sugar and meats that we may be consuming amidst all the celebrations. Christmas cake and mince pies aside, I notice that there is little wheat around at Christmas time. For me it isn't so much the Christmas bloat as the Christmas toxification. I feel sluggish this morning... After all these acid forming foods, I'm not surprised. So it's time for an alkaline or neutral food overload, in order to reset the balance.