Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Portions for the right proportions...

When eating superfoods galore, it is all to easy to forget that too many calories is still too many calories no matter how many antioxidants they provide. Of course practice and a mindful eye for what works, is the route to the right proportions, but in the mean time until you get there, a great tool is the LoveFoodHateWaste website : http://www.lovefoodhatewaste.com/perfect_portions

They have a range of foods you can choose to cook from, enable you to select how many you are cooking
for (adult and children sized plates differ), and they then inform you how many florets of broccoli you need or how many mugs of rice you need to start off with. They even have a Christmas Lunch perfect portion planner to guide you through the festivities without panning your perfect proportions.

The website also advises on how you can save money and time in the kitchen, as well as recommendation
s on how NOT to waste food. In their own word:
Love Food Hate Waste is the ‘Waste Not Want Not’ of the modern day, providing handy tips, advice and recipes for leftovers to help everyone waste less food.
It's wartime advice at its finest! I love it. Along with 'Make do and Mend' these are the motto's that can (hopefully) rebuild the nation...one vegetable/elbow patch at a time.

1 comment:

PeterThePainter said...


Do you have a veggie patch? If so what grows in it? Do you like tomatoes?